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Monday, January 24, 2011

An Update on My Life

I thought that I would do a post that highlights the latest happenings in my life.  I graduated in December with my Bachelor's in Business Administration...YAY for being done with school!! It has been kind of weird getting used to not having school while everyone else is still in it.  But I do like not having to go to class, study, do homework, or deal with any of those stresses anymore! This will mostly be a picture post of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and my trip to San Diego.  It was so fun having everyone home for Christmas.  Jill, Christian and the boys were at my parent's house for Christmas morning.  It was so fun having the boys there on Christmas morning to open presents.  Kyle, Gretchen and the girls came over later for dinner and to open their presents.  Jill, Christian, Jason and I got to go snowmobiling up on the Big Horns one day.  It was a beautiful day and we had loads of fun!!

I headed back to Logan a little bit earlier than I normally would have to go on a road trip with a group of friends.  We stayed the first night in St. George then headed to Las Vegas for New Year's Eve.  The Strip was craziness that night!!! We did a lot of walking around and people-watching...oh boy!  We ended up getting stuck in the parking garage for 2 1/2 hours that night- not fun! My cousin Jason and his family were kind enough to let all 8 of us stay at their house that night...which was gorgeous!  We then headed on to San Diego where we stayed 3 nights.  We went to the beach, some went surfing, ate yummy food, went to the Mormon Battalion Visitor's Center, and went to the San Diego Zoo.  Andy, Hillary and I were able to go to baptisms in the San Diego Temple one morning.  It was such an amazing experience.  It was definitely different than going to one of the Utah was a very personal and special experience here!  Half of the group stayed in St. George for another couple days while the rest drove the rest of the way back home.  It was such a fun trip and made some great memories!!

Me and Isabelle

Me, Carson, and Travis at Rib & Chop for Mom's bday...yum!!

Gretchen and Izzers on Christmas

Cute Cousins!!

Swimming at the Rec Center


Christian with his tree branch...proof that Dad's snowmobile is a tree magnet!

Me snowmobiling
On the Vegas Strip for New Year's Eve...with Lil Jon??

Madness on the Strip!


San Diego Zoo

"Everyone on the cat! We are all riding the cat!"

Me and Andy on Mission Beach

The surfers

Hilly and Channy

Dinner in downtown San yummy!

me in front of the San Diego it!

I have always loved this temple and I finally got to see it and go inside!

The girls at La Jolla Cove


  1. Yay for Butts! Love the new blog! I'm going to have to add you to my blog list so we can keep up with you! Love all the pictures...keep them coming!!

  2. I just got the chance to blog-stalk you! love it! keep it up!!
